Electronic data consent form

C.Soluxions helped a medical society develop a software solution which makes staying on top Data consent release form for physicians and practices can use our Electronic Data Release Consent Form (eDRCF) that standardizes the process for providing data release consent, making it more efficient and helping associations ensure that their members receive the full Medicare payments they’re entitled to.

CMS Validation tool

The Physician Quality Reporting System is a quality reporting program that uses incentives and penalties to encourage eligible professionals to report quality measures to Medicare. CMS validation tool was built to establish and implement solution which allowed data validation and provides reports to fix issues in data. In addition, tool creates XML file that is ready to be submitted to CMS.

Health Companion

C.Soluxions helped develop mobile application. It is ‘one stop shop’ to record and track one’s Health vitals: body temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose, body fat percentage, Heart Beat, and physical activities. Health Companion also integrates with other medical tracking devices and physician’s software so that sharing your medical records will be much faster and easier now.

NoWait Health

C.Soluxions helped develop NoWait Health mobile app which assists consumers to be equipped with unexpected medical emergencies. Product locates nearest medical facility and lists their wait times. It is not only patient focused but is also platform that allows providers to manage their intake process and allowing short wait times if any to consumers.